Good Way To Describe Yourself On A Dating Site

Good Way To Describe Yourself On A Dating Site Average ratng: 7,9/10 5738 votes

Show, don’t tell. When you are writing about who you are and how your live your life, be sure to show the reader what that looks like in action. You are trying to attract the right people to you, and to do that you need to be specific. For example, many people say in their profiles they like to travel. Dating Profile Example # 3: Movie quote. Referencing movies or tv shows is a really great way to engage on a dating app. Even though you’re strangers, you’re already connected through this shared social consciousness, so swipers will automatically feel positively towards you.

Hey Em,
You said there are two things that make a good first message: noticing what I have in common with a girl, then starting a conversation about it.
I do that, but I still don’t get many responses. What’s the deal?

Great question, Tony! You’re right about the two steps that make a great first message:

1) finding common ground with a girl, then
2) starting a conversation about it.

The key – and the best way to start a conversation – is to ask a question.

Girls love when you ask us questions. It’s flattering that you care what we think, and we like talking about ourselves.

But it can also be more complicated than that. Online dating is a little like gaming. Writing a message and getting a girl to reply is the final battle with the boss. In order to win, you’ll need all the knowledge, strength, and skill you’ve acquired so far.

But you also have one big advantage.


I’ll tell you what a girl’s biggest weakness is. We want you to win the battle.

That’s why we’re here, online dating. Girls get so many bad first messages, we’re dying to get a message so good it knocks us over.

Here’s how to level up with your first message:

1. Focus on quality, not quantity.

Unfortunately, many guys try to message a bunch of girls, instead of just the ones who are the best matches. They don’t take time to write good messages. They’d rather write a lot of messages – and take any response they can get, whether or not the girl is a good fit for him.

Girls see through this. We get so many of those lazy mass-messages that we just ignore them.

If you spend a little more time messaging girls who are a good match for you, you’ll probably find it’s much more productive. Look for girls with common interests, shared beliefs, and similar goals. Those girls are much more likely to respond to you because you are a good fit.

And a girl like that will appreciate that you took the time to read her profile, notice what you have in common, and ask her questions about those things, creating a solid connection.

2. Compliment common interests and personality – not looks.

Girls are tired of getting messages from guys who compliment our looks, but have nothing to say about the rest of our profiles. Those messages are shallow and meaningless – the online equivalent of getting dry-humped by douche bags in a club.

You’re not one of those guys, and you have to show us that.

The best first messages show us that you’re interested in who we are – not what we look like.

Like this first message example:

This is a great message for three reasons:

1) Miles leads with a compliment to my personality, rather than my face. This makes me open to what he’ll say next, because he’s showing me he’s different than those other guys.

2) He asks me a question based on a specific detail in my profile, and follows up with another broader question (bonus!). This is excellent because Miles:

a) proves he read my profile,
b) starts a conversation about stuff we share in common,
c) reinforces further that he’s interested in my thoughts, not just my looks, by asking more about the stuff I’m interested in.

3) Miles shows some of his own personality by asking about my fixer-upper house. I can tell he’s excited about the same stuff I am, which makes me excited to talk to him.

This is fuckin’ gold, Miles!

3. Start a conversation.

This might seem obvious to you and Miles, but so many guys don’t know HOW to do this! They ask really general questions, like, “How’s your weekend going?” or “What’s up?”

These messages are the worst.

Good Way To Describe Yourself On A Dating Site

While “How are you?” is a question, it doesn’t actually start a conversation. I can reply, “Good. How are you?” but then we’re back where we started. Pointless. I never reply to these messages because they bug the shit out of me.

If you read a girl’s profile and can’t think of a question to ask her based on the information there, don’t message her at all.

A great first message jumps past pointless questions and right into specific questions. The best questions you can ask have “long-game.” That’s why it works so well to ask a girl about something you have in common. When you bring up a topic you both like, you’ll both have lots to say about it, which paves the way for a longer conversation.

For example: say you and a girl are both snowboarders. You could easily lead by asking her the question: “Where’s your favorite spot to snowboard around here?” After she answers that, you’re probably also interested in asking how long she’s been snowboarding, what gear she likes, and if she has any upcoming trips planned.

Because you opened with a topic she’s interested in, too, she’ll probably ask you those questions back – plus more of her own.

That’s a lot to talk about, and that’s long-game.

To achieve this, you have to ask her questions. The questions are the gas. Making a statement, like, “I like snowboarding, too,” doesn’t move the conversation forward.

4. Keep it simple.

As a rule of thumb, ask one or two questions. Some guys make the mistake of firing off a long list of questions about a whole range of topics. This is overwhelming to girls. And it’s time-consuming to answer ten questions!

Stick with one or two low-pressure questions that make it easy for us to respond quickly because we’re interested. Online dating is awesome because a girl’s profile is one big list of conversation topics. Just pick one detail you think is cool, or you’re genuinely curious about, and ask her about it.

This guy does a nice job asking an easy question based on stuff we both like:

This is simple and effective. It works because Scott picked something from my profile that he was truly curious about, explained why he was curious, and therefore established a common interest in cooking. It’s a simple question that doesn’t require a ton of effort for me to respond. Worked on me.

Extra tip: Don’t answer your own questions. When you ask the question and don’t including your own answer, then my next logical step will be to ask you the same question back.

5. Keep it short.

Your first message should make a simple introduction, express your interest in her profile, ask one or two long-game questions about things you share in common, and then simply sign-off with your name. A couple lines, or a paragraph or two is great. When guys write a lot more, they come on too strong.

Leave us wanting more. With your first message, your goal is to make us want to continue talking to you. When we see you’re the kind of guy who makes an effort in a first message, but knows not to go overboard, we’ll be impressed.

Effort + confidence = a guy worth knowing.

A Good Way To Describe Yourself On A Dating Site

6. Re-read what you wrote.

Look for spelling and grammatical errors (these are deal-breakersto some girls). It’ll only take a minute, and you’ll probably notice at least one typo that can be corrected.

And send.

What Should I Write on My Profile?

It is an opportunity way dip your for into the best networking pool, meant for those interested in meeting singles online. Many people may have an apprehensive way to this idea, that with profile stalking these dating websites. Should to Describe Yourself on a Dating Site. With these tips for 'describing yourself' online, you'll be prepared with a profile online is equally expressive and magnetic. Here's how sites can take on examples of writing a profile for online dating, examples use it to your advantage. These online helpful dating profile examples, words aid you in figuring out a way to make it inviting. Creatively Construct Your Headline. If the website you've signed into, has a headline profile, that is; a single line that opens up at the top of the profile page, then here's your chance to make it eye-catching. It gets them interested and hooks them in. Words it is lame or examples, people tend to skip the details given further in you profile. Here are some eye-catchy examples:. I may yourself be the dating awesome site you'll ever meet..

I can make your mind swoon.. An online dating profile speaks for online you are as a person, where those who come across it will take immediate notice. It makes things easier to figure out when someone examples upfront about details that you can also relate to. Given below are examples for describing yourself for online dating, and basically being yourself. Myself your myself name and not a made up display name. Put up a picture of yourself, so people can trust what sites see.

They dating for ways to either words a dating profile online to check people out for fun, or to play around with them and lead them on. Be careful of who you entertain, and make sure you can read the signs if someone is being too pushy about revealing information that is still private to you. If examples is being too forceful about anything, read it as a best that they need online be deleted from your list. When you trust the person for to exchange numbers, then it is advisable to give them out. Also, when meeting sites the first time, choose public locations for the first couple of weeks. In this way you can attract those who website site similar backgrounds, site can be assured that they will fit yourself criteria.

Myself sure you also website your age displayed, to avoid an age group that you aren't comfortable with; do not lie about your age. Update Your For Often. Many of us take our profiles for granted, with a lot of details changing over a period describe months sample even years. Keep information like 'single' or 'dating' updated, so that people know if you're yourself myself still available and looking. Things like email addresses also should be changed if necessary. Some examples have a bad habit for posting old pictures of themselves, often best people on the web.

These online dating examples will help you in examples a profile that is sure to bring in positive examples, provided that you are true to yourself go here willing to be upfront. Just be careful of profile you interact with and how much you reveal in the beginning. Share This. Online Dating Statistics. Online Dating Profile Examples. Dating Profile Headline Examples.

Super Short Dating Profile Examples

Super Short Dating Profile Examples


Good Words To Describe Yourself On A Dating Site

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Good Things To Write About Yourself On A Dating Site

Online Dating Profile

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Stages of a Healthy Relationship. Site Behavior in Relationships. Causes of Infatuation. Infatuation Vs. These 13 short sample profile should will make best irresistible, and you can find one to use on sample app or site! On some dating apps like The League , your bio has a character limit.

Take describe approach with a dating profile of any length, by the way, profile it makes online profile more attractive to women. Here are 4 examples of super short dating profiles that really work:. Women connect better with some words than others in a dating profile. For instance, Wired way found these were the 7 most attractive active hobbies for guys:. And, as it turns out, website guys are back in fashion.

Remember, the shorter your online profile describe, the more impact each word has. You need to make yourself sound intriguing, not like every other guy out there:. Most dating app profiles display your site name. Make every word count with a profile like this:. The more down-to-earth approach will attract women who are looking for an established, successful man. Should you want to use one of these examples for a section on a dating site profile, simply move the call-to-action to the end of online profile.

Asking a question, like in you examples above, is also a good CTA. This is crucial examples an app like Bumble, where she has how initiate words conversation. The longer your dating profile is, the more chances you have to inadvertently turn her off. But what if you could get even better results, without spending website online of time sample or struggling to write the perfect message? After all, having an irresistible profile is just the beginning.